Archives par étiquette : MemoRekall

COSMIC : CO-creating and Sharing digital Methodologies in Circus Education

Summer of good news : the Erasmus + COSMIC project has been accepted !

The COSMIC project aims at enhancing the quality of circus education and training, on the same line of previous FFEC and FEDEC projects INTENTS and REFLECT. The project will be an exchange of good practices that will allow professional Circus schools to develop new pedagogical methodologies but based on existing material. This existing material – identified during interviews with each partner- is the ‘student Artistic Notebook’ that is used in most of the partner-schools. It will be experimented and developed in various ways thanks to a videobased software called MemoRekall. Project partners will also provide feedbacks to the software developers, helping to adapt it to the needs of the Circus education sector.

COSMIC will start in September 2020 and will end in December 2022. It is lead by the European Federation of Professional Circus Schools (FEDEC) and includes 10 partners.

H2020 COESO project on Citizen Science accepted

The COESO project is lead by EHESS. It includes 15 partners, among them UPHF with a pilot project on dance. Among other contributions, I will be in charge of the development of new dance annotation features in MemoRekall.

Abstract of the project : The COESO (Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues) project facilitates and supports participatory research in SSH, through a service-first approach. COESO supports ten Citizen Science pilots presenting a variety of disciplines, societal challenges and types of engagement with citizens in different European countries. COESO project will specifically support collaborative practices in Citizen Science by developing a Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation (VERA), a platform envisioned as a « collaboratory” providing a set of tools to discover potential partners, to define and co-design the activities, to co-create new knowledge and solutions, and to deliver them to society. COESO will furthermore collaborate with research funding organizations to enhance financial support to Citizen Science projects in the SSH and explore the frontiers of innovation in SSH public engagement by achieving a complete mutual learning with the teams involved in the Pilots. Finally, “Cooperation analytics” will be designed to measure the quality of collaboration between researchers and citizens in VERA. Those analytics will be useful to the project teams themselves but they will also be a major contribution to funders, policy makers, research organizations and other stakeholders supporting Citizen Science policies. COESO’s overall objective is to overcome the obstacles that hinder the development of Citizen Science in the SSH. COESO will enable a dramatic growth of Citizen Science projects in these disciplines and will intensify the collaborations between SSH researchers and citizens to tackle together the many societal challenges European societies face today. VERA will be one of the core services offered by OPERAS Research Infrastructure to the scientific community.

Culture et recherche – revue du ministère de la culture

Un article consacré aux logiciels Rekall et MemoRekall vient d’être publié dans la revue du Ministère de la Culture, Culture et Recherche, n°137. Il s’agit d’un numéro spécial consacré à la recherche, à la formation et à l’innovation. De très nombreuses initiatives y sont présentées.

La revue est consultable ici.

Colloque international « Le temps à l’épreuve des œuvres numériques / les œuvres numériques à l’épreuve du temps »

Les 3 et 4 octobre prochains, j’aurai le plaisir de participer à un colloque sur le temps et les œuvres numériques, organisé par le Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Études et de Recherche sur l’Expression Contemporaine (CIEREC) de l’Université Jean Monnet. J’interviendrai aux côtés notamment d’Alain Depocas (DOCAM), Cécile Dazord et Atau Tanaka.

Mise à jour : Une captation des conférences est disponible ici :

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Colloque DH 2017 à Montréal

I will be in Montréal next week for the Digital Humanities Conference organized by ADHO.

« MemoRekall Video Capsules : a combination of both intra and inter-documentary approaches to address the documentation of performing arts. »

Following the Tate Modern, several museums have created since 2004 a department specialized in time-based media art. Time-based media artworks have duration as a dimension. Performances belong to them. Documentation is then crucial to preserve the works. Video-recording has a unique place among the documents, by the importance given to it and by the frequent criticism it has received. Two types of approaches are proposed to remedy weaknesses identified : intra-documentary (video annotation) and inter-documentary (links to other documents). After surveying these two strategies through recent examples, I will present MemoRekall, a webapp which gather intra and inter-documentary approaches in a unique HMI. Linked documents and annotations create a new document, a “capsule”. Far beyond the initial objective, MemoRekall can be used for many purposes and contexts.

Programme complet disponible ici

Preservation and Access to Born-digital Culture |

Preservation and Access to Born-digital Culture |
30 Octobre – 31 Octobre 2015 – Bruxelles

Avec: Erkki Huhtamo (FI, UCLA), Baruch Gottlieb & Philipp Tögel (DE, Vilem Flusser Archive), Emmanuel Guez (FR,, Gaby Wijers (NL, Lima), Valérie Perrin (FR, Espace Gantner), Jon Ippolito (US, re-collection), Ben Fino-Radin (US, MoMA), John Langdon & Anna Henry (UK, Tate Modern), Céline Thomas & Chu Yin Chen (FR, BnF – Univ.Paris 8), Geoffrey Brown (US,, Clarisse Bardiot (FR/BE,, Olia Lialina (DE), Dragan Espenschied (US/DE,, Klaus Rechert (DE, Univ.Freiburg – bwFLA), Jason Scott (US, Internet Arcade –

MemoRekall : un nouvel outil pour l’annotation vidéo

Grâce au soutien du Ministère de la Culture et de nombreuses institutions culturelles, voici la version très simplifiée pour les scolaires et le grand public du logiciel Rekall, réalisée par le même équipe (Clarisse Bardiot, Guillaume Marais, Guillaume Jacquemin, Thierry Coduys).

MemoRekall est une application web libre et gratuite d’annotation et commentaire vidéo pour la médiation numérique. Continuer la lecture

Festival d’Avignon – une interview sur la préservation des traces numériques du spectacle vivant

Suite au débat public « Création et digital dans le spectacle vivant en Europe aujourd’hui » organisé par Le Relais Culture Europe, en partenariat avec Arte et le Centre national du Théâtre au festival d’Avignon, j’ai été interviewée à propos de Rekall et des problématiques liées à l’obsolescence technologique dans le spectacle vivant.

L’interview présente également le nouveau projet en cours de développement, MemoRekall.

A retrouver ici