I will be in Montréal next week for the Digital Humanities Conference organized by ADHO.
« MemoRekall Video Capsules : a combination of both intra and inter-documentary approaches to address the documentation of performing arts. »
Following the Tate Modern, several museums have created since 2004 a department specialized in time-based media art. Time-based media artworks have duration as a dimension. Performances belong to them. Documentation is then crucial to preserve the works. Video-recording has a unique place among the documents, by the importance given to it and by the frequent criticism it has received. Two types of approaches are proposed to remedy weaknesses identified : intra-documentary (video annotation) and inter-documentary (links to other documents). After surveying these two strategies through recent examples, I will present MemoRekall, a webapp which gather intra and inter-documentary approaches in a unique HMI. Linked documents and annotations create a new document, a “capsule”. Far beyond the initial objective, MemoRekall can be used for many purposes and contexts.
Programme complet disponible ici