Beyond digital performances, I am more generally interested in the relations between arts-sciences-technologies, especially from the perspective of media archaeology.
Au-delà des digital performances, je m’intéresse plus généralement aux relations arts-sciences-technologies, notamment dans la perspective de l’archéologie des médias.
Image : ingénieurs et artistes pendant 9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering, 1966 © Fondation Langlois

Distant reading & distant viewing of the Leonardo Journal
The Leonardo project looks at the mechanisms of interdisciplinary interactions between art and science in the Leonardo Journal (MIT Press), and their evolution from 1968 to the present day ...
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Lire La Suite…

C2L3Play – Cross Border Living Labs
The objective of the Cross Border Living Labs (C2L3Play) project, supported by European Interreg funding, is to set up a network of cross-border living labs based on existing physical structures in the Hauts-de-France, Wallonia, and Flanders regions. The typical feature of a Living Lab is to bring together different profiles (researchers, designers, entrepreneurs, citizens) in the same place ...
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Lire La Suite…

9 Evenings, Theatre & Engineering
9 Evenings, Theatre & Engineering is an event organized by E.A.T. in 1966 in New York. A landmark event and precursor in the history of the relationship between theatre and technology, as well as in the history of new media, 9 Evenings is based on the collaboration of 10 artists (David Tudor, John Cage, Yvonne Rainer, Alex Hay, Deborah Hay, ...
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Lire La Suite…

PhD dissertation : Les Théâtres virtuels, 2005
My PhD thesis, directed by Béatrice Picon-Vallin (CNRS), is about what we now call "digital performances," that is to say, shows integrating digital technologies, which I then called "virtual theatres." This research studies the impact of digital technologies on the performing arts, whether in terms of scenography, acting, dramaturgy or staging from the 1950s onward ...
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Lire La Suite…