I’m very proud to annouce the program of the next DHnord2020 conference which I will chair with Emmanuel Château-Dutier.
Original Presentations
(Pre-recorded talks available from November 1st)
- Peter Bell, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), “Angelic movement. Exploring and Understanding Art, Iconography and Composition with Machine Learning / Mouvement angélique : Explorer et comprendre l’art, l’iconographie et la composition avec le machine learning.”
- Dominique Cardon, Sciences Po, “The Machine that Reads Images: a Social and Technical History of Artificial Intelligence in Computer Vision / Une machine qui lit les images : une histoire socio-technique de l’intelligence artificielle en vision par ordinateur.”
- Johanna Drucker, University of California, Los Angeles, “Image Mis-recognition: Augmentation, Automation, and Aesthetic Intelligence / Mé-reconnaissance de l’image: augmentation, automatisation et intelligence esthétique.”